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Web Site Purpose Welcome to the "We Know Autism" web site. The purpose of this site is to promote and advocate autism sensitivity. When a family has a child with autism, life is very challenging.  However, to those individuals who have not been exposed to an autistic child or adult, things are not always as they appear.  Here is an example:  When our family goes to Disney World and our daughter is having a difficult time and she begins to scream and/or throw herself to the ground, for the average person, her behavior might appear as a typical child having a temper tantrum.  Do not let life's assumptions of how child should behave fool you. Children with autism have difficulty in communicating their needs and desires.  What may appear as a temper tantrum in all reality maybe a frustrated child unable to communicate with those around them.  We dedicate this site to our daughter, families, and all children who live with autism.

We will attempt to bring awareness through the sale of autism materials such as window clings, stickers, iron-ons, and many other types of merchandise.  This site is not about making a profit. All of the items sold on this site will be sold virtually at cost.  We are doing this for two reasons: One, we desire that everyone has the ability to buy our merchandise and help us spread the word about autism sensitivity. Two, provide a means to those who might be financially challenged but still would like to participate in our crusade.  All monies collected on this web site are reinvested back into our cause.

For now this page is a place holder until we get the official web site online.  In the meantime should you wish to contact us please refer to the contact information below.


Did you know

1 in 150 children are born with autism

(Based on prevalence statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007).


It is the fastest -growing developmental disability!!!


For more general and statistical information visit Autism Society of America (ASA)


What this web site is not

This web site is not intended to be a medical site relative to the medical aspects of autism. Nor is the web site a political arm to attempt to influence/lobby government. We will provide links to such sites that we feel are worthy of a link from our site.


Contact Send emails to: dr_elias_garcell@bellsouth.net


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© 2007 Elias Garcell, Ed.D., Lynne Garcell